Brief 5:
Motion Design
In my media selection I used an audio- video clip centred on Muhammad Ali imported in to Adobe Premier. The news clip talks about an upcoming fight and has short interview sequences with him. I felt more confident here than I did in brief 4, and I felt this naturally flowed on from the work in brief 4 despite being quite new to Premier.
I set about shortening the clip, selecting a natural cut point in video at the end of the interview. Once this was carried out. I then looked for key words to add “artefacts” to the video sequence, such as the use of dollars when money is referenced. I also established his opponent, Sonny Liston, and dropped an image of him in line with the news reader’s narration. I felt this added some substance to the narration – imagery which was largely centred on Ali .To add to this a used a rolling in “world” at the point “World Champion” was mentioned. I used royalty free PNG files for the artefacts to reduce time spent unnecessarily editing normal stock images. I thought long and hard about the font, and tried to use one more in keeping with the age of the video clip as opposed to something like comic sans. I did fall foul of a basic error for a short while, when export, render to queue, I had inadvertently selected the audio layer only, which resulted in a blank screen and audio only. This was a point of frustration until I realised the simple mistake I had made.