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A Creative Media Student Creating a Creative CV...easy they say....what could go wrong....


Updated: Apr 17, 2023

What the hell is a Creative CV

So, it’s about time I considered a CV as a starting’s also a tasks on my course for the purposes of full disclosure 😊.

I’ve already refreshed my LinkedIn profile, yes both will change over the years and in fairness for now it looks a bit limited…but that’s OK for now as I am a 1st year undergraduate.

Indeed(2022) offer that a creative CV is :-

"A creative CV is a specialised CV that provides a platform for a job applicant to display their creativity in the CV itself."

they also add that:-

"Having an eye-catching CV might give you a better chance of a recruiter spending more time looking at your application"

And that :-

"Once you have the reader's attention, they might then spend more time reading the important elements of your CV such as your qualifications and work experience. This benefits you, especially if your resume is composed of high-standard content."

So what's out there now.

However, putting my limited content for now aside, “normal” CV’s just seem too generic, if you google CV template you get this:-

And Word offers this masterpiece….

In fairness they all have a place, some roles such as engineering seek out the formality and structure from candidates…..but I’m in the creative space and one that I should show a bit of individualism and creativity….right! So…google creative CV’s and variations are clear

There are a lot more angles , icons , colours, vibrancy, images, style of writing and font which are more expressionist and artistic than what some would call a “traditional” CV. I ran the styles past my Dad, who is in the engineering industry …and surprise surprise he instantly looked and the black and white , Times New Roman, font 12 , 1.5 spaced etc. However, he did, after a bit of challenge agree that something has to make you stand out, especially in the creative space. You need to be the "stand out one" out of the pack, not just one of many in a pile, just to get the attention of the person recruiting before they even review the content!

Creating my Creation....

Being totally honest I didn’t have a clue as how I should set about this, what’s too much or too little, too loud/bold or too vanilla/reserved, too formal or too relaxed. So I created a formal one, as that way I would have the basics in one place.

Pinterest is a good space for inspiration as is CANVA with templates and ideas. Part of me wants to somehow “ Manga” mine up a bit, but that may be too extreme for now...but its one I want to explore.

I created a linktree account, containing my online portfolio, Instagram, Linkedin and a Gallery submission.

I called this “a bit more about me, to have the statement in a more conversational style. I then created as QR code which takes you to the sites.

My formal” type one is a bit boring and needs a bit of a refresh before any release in to the world. My creative one ( template) needs a bit more creation, I didn't want to go too wild with icons, angles and colours just yet and I would like to embed some VR in this eventually , but for now is good enough as a work in progress😊


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