So firstly it would be good to understand what it actually is, a bit of background research helps out here and there. I found a useful overview on the Dispruptive blog ( 2023) whereby they explain that:-
"Mixed-reality filming combines virtual and augmented reality elements to create a unique experience that blends the real world with digital elements. This technology offers a range of benefits over traditional filming techniques, making it an excellent choice for modern productions"
So this got me thinking that you would - could also consider immersive- spacial audio in a production to enhance the viewers experiance. I've previously blogged about immersive audio and its uses (1st Feb 2023).
Disprutive Live ( 2023) go on to add that :-
"Another advantage of mixed-reality filming is its ability to save time during production. Traditional filming techniques can be incredibly time-consuming, especially in post-production. With mixed reality, however, many digital effects can be added in real time, reducing the need for extensive post-production work."
and that :-
"mixed reality can be efficient is in the world of advertising. Mixed reality can create interactive, immersive experiences that allow consumers to engage with products in new and exciting ways."
So that sort of provides with me with a what and why in regard to the topic. But how is this actually used, I found a short film on YouTube that brought this a bit more to life to inform understanding.
But where in the mainstream would this be evident, Redshark News( 2022) provide a short history on the topic, highligting that it's been used in countless movies ranging from North by Northwest (1959) to more recent productions such as Disney+'s The Mandalorian (2019).
They also add that on the Oblivion ( 2013) production the use of multiple projectors, airmed at a white muslin, front projected cloud and sky plates that were shot from the top of a volcano to provide the background effect.
"Normally projected images are not bright enough to reflect useful light onto the foreground, but by layering up 21 projectors DP Claudio Miranda was able to achieve a T1.3-2.0 split at ISO 800. Unlike those of Gravity’s low-rez LED Box, the backgrounds were also good enough to not need replacing in post."( Redshark 2022)
So that gives me a bit of background, now on to my productions, with the first one being Multi Screen - Video Mapping
Fower, B. (2023) Why mixed reality filming is the future of filmmaking, Disruptive Live - Home for the best in tech content. Available at: (Accessed: 12 December 2023).
Imagine :Mixed Reality Virtual Production Short Film (2022). CoPilot- YouTube. 7 January. Available at: (Accessed: 12 December 2023).
Oseman, N. (2022) The history of Mixed Reality Virtual production, RedShark News - Video technology news and analysis. Available at: (Accessed: 12 December 2023).