I was asked on the run up to Christmas to alter an image of some large gas bags on an industrial site for publishing on an intranet as Pro Bono job. Client brief was to overlay some bauble images, keeping the scale, orientation and ambient lighting on to a set of ball like bags.
They sent a decent image, 2MB in size JPEG, but the baubles they had chosen where some stock at .PNG very low res (the Turd bit!). Speed was the main driver, they didn’t want it over done it just had to look right for a small image on an internet page (internal Yammer site) with a Christmas Message.
Despite my inner critic wanting to seek out better baubles and spend some time, I had to consider a few things:-
They wanted it quick…and were waiting for it…at this stage it wasn’t for me to challenge!!!
They provided the images, so I can assume they preferred these.
The images were either licence free or there is an agreement that assigns copyright to another party( My Client) than the original photographer.
It had to be of a size that emailed back to them with no download links.
It was free unpaid work, so I shouldn’t spend too much time on it at this stage anyway.
Mission Accepted….!
So in the space of 10 mins, I had overlaid the baubles in Photoshop, blended the images so some of the gas back structure and external lighting was preserved, removed any unwanted aspects of the bauble…in essence the rolling it in glitter part!
Then, I hit send…and waited
About 15 mins later, I got a message back saying thanks and that they were very happy! Job done for them I suppose……. but I still have concerns over the quality of the finished product. At the end of the day I was given defined time and a set of images to work with.
And then the Payment….
Out of the blue I received a call last week saying they wanted to make a small payment for my time in doing the work. It was a small payment, it really was!, but it’s the thought and recognition that counted more to me. It was a nice surprise even if I still think it’s a Turd, which is funny as the gas bags are filled with Sewer Gas….so no matter what I did or didn’t do it originates from a Turd anyway!